Friends and Family Test Results

April 2024

Very GoodGoodNeither Good nor PoorPoorVery PoorDon’t KnowTotal

Friends and Family Comments April 2024
  • “I did not have to wait too long to see the Nurse Practitioner and was dealt with efficiently when seen.”
  • “Although I had made a mistake with date of my appointment. Sorry. Receptionist was calm and polite and made me a new appointment despite it being her lunch hour and she should have been closed. Above and beyond service. Thank you.”
  • “The doctor I saw was extremely thorough and my daughter was seen the same day.”
  • “Very friendly and kind. Also dispensary are always so accommodating- that I’d give a great!”
  • “Very late going in but your membership of staff was very friendly”

May 2024

Very GoodGoodNeither Good nor PoorPoorVery PoorDon’t KnowTotal

Friends and Family Comments May 2024
  • “Didn’t have to wait long, fast and efficient. I was listened to and had a nice chat with the nurse.”
  • “Everything was dealt with in a professional and helpful manner, the HA was approachable and explained the process. Made to feel comfortable.”
  • “Very little wait time. Nurse on the ball. In and out very quickly. Exactly as it should be!”
  • “The nurse took time to talk to me & put me at ease. She also took time to talk to me about the recent loss of my sister which I found very comforting, she was a very kind and thoughtful person. We need more people like this in the world.”
  • “Had to wait a long time even though I had an early appointment, a long wait in a waiting room full of people coughing and sneezing”

June 2024

Very GoodGoodNeither Good nor PoorPoorVery PoorDon’t KnowTotal

Friends and Family Comments June 2024
  • “The nurse explained what she would do and carried out the jab in a timely way. I asked her a question about a minor concern I had and she was really helpful.  Thank you!”
  • “You young lad who took the bloods engaged well with dad, showing kindness, interest, patience, humour.   A very professional addition to your team with a promising future.”
  • “Thank you to the lovely nurse who completed my daughters pre-school vaccinations today. As someone who also works within the NHS, I am very grateful as a patient to be cared by such lovely staff.  I also would like to say a thank you to the receptionist who booked this appointment who was friendly, helpful and caring.  Thank you.”
  • “Had to wait awhile for the appointment but was seen on time by very nice nurse. Painless procedure and out in 5 minutes”
  • “It would be helpful for patients to know when appointments are running late. Maybe a note on the televised system. Would manage expectations and enable contact to be made with people who are collecting us after appointments.”

July 2024

Very GoodGoodNeither Good nor PoorPoorVery PoorDon’t KnowTotal

Friends and Family Comments July 2024
  • “I didn’t wait for long before being called in. The nurse I saw was friendly, attentive, listened to my questions and gave great advice.  I never felt rushed.”
  • “Appointment was within a reasonable time for a non-critical problem. Dr was helpful and reassuring”
  • “It was nice to see a friendly face. Was able to communicate with ease, and was listened to. There was mutual respect and politeness for each other.”
  • “Bit of a wait,  but all kind and friendly.”
  • “The nurse was efficient when I saw her but the wait to see the nurse on a very hot day in a stuffy waiting room was too long.”